Pasangan yang berpacaran dalam waktu cukup lama biasanya akan melanjutkan ke jenjang pernikahan.
Namun tak sedikit pula pasangan yang sudah lama bersama justru hubungannya harus kandas di tengah jalan.
Kemudian muncullah istilah 'menjaga jodoh orang'.
Fenomena seperti ini juga terjadi pada sejumlah selebritas tanah air.
Sebut saja Laudya Cynthia Bella dan Chicco Jerikho yang telah berpacaran 5 tahun, Acha Septriasa dan Irwansyah, Gracia Indri dan Samuel Zylgwyn, Donna Agnesia dan Okan Cornelius, Deswita Maharani dan Taufik Hidayat, serta Shireen Sungkar dan Adly Fairuz.
Melansir dari psychologytoday, ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan pasangan kekasih akhirnya memutuskan berpisah setelah bertahun-tahun bersama.
Hilang kepercayaan
Hilangnya kepercayaan adalah salah satu masalah paling berbahaya dalam sebuah hubungan.
Masalah kepercayaan dapat mencakup faktor-faktor seperti cemburu, posesif, kekakuan tidak masuk akal, emosional perselingkuhan, perselingkuhan fisik/seksual, kurangnya kepercayaan dan keandalan, kurangnya dukungan emosional, kurangnya kompatibilitas keuangan, dan kurangnya saling mendukung tujuan.
Beda prinsip dan prioritas
Tidak mudah bagi pasangan untuk berjalan bersama untuk waktu yang lama.
Semakin lama bersama, semakin banyak pula perbedaan yang akan ditemukan, termasuk prioritas, prinsip dan tujuan.
Komunikasi kurang
Sejumlah penelitian telah mengidentifikasi komunikasi (atau kurangnya komunikasi) sebagai salah satu alasan utama untuk putus.
Kelompok riset Mayo Clinic mendefinisikan gangguan kepribadian narsistik sebagai 'gangguan mental di mana orang merasa dirinya penting dan dikagumi orang.'
Narsisme sering ditandai oleh kurangnya keintiman dalam hubungan.
Tindakan narsisme mencakup kesombongan diri, superioritas terhadap pasangan, egois, pencitraan, tidak bertanggung jawab, serta menghina pasangan.
Pelecehan relasional
Pelecehan relasional didefinisikan sebagai penganiayaan yang berulang dari seorang individu.
Contoh pelecehan relasional termasuk verbal, emosional, fisik, atau pelecehan seksual.
Lalu sebenarnya, berapa lama waktu pacaran yang ideal menurut para pakar?
Melansir dari verylmag, dalam studi Penn State University yang disebut proyek PAIR, Profesor Ted L.Huston meneliti 168 pasangan pengantin baru selama 14 tahun dan memetakan kebahagiaan hubungan pasangan masing-masing.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasangan yang rata-rata berpacaran selama 25 bulan sebelum menikah memiliki pernikahan paling bahagia.
Sementara itu pasangan yang terburu-buru menikah, rata-rata hanya berpacaran 18 bulan kebanyakan bercerai setelah usia pernikahan lebih dari 7 tahun.
Penelitian lain dari Emory University telah mensurvei lebih dari 3.000 orang di Amerika Serikat yang telah menikah.
Hasilnya adalah pacaran selama 1-2 tahun menurunkan risiko perceraian hingga 20% daripada yang masa pacarannya kurang dari satu tahun.
Pacaran hingga 3 tahun akan lebih besar mengurangi risiko perceraian dan seterusnya.
Jadi menurut penelitian ini, semakin lama waktu pacaran, semakin kecil pula risiko untuk bercerai setelah menikah.
Namun, perlu diingat bahwa lamanya waktu pacaran bukan satu-satunya penentu kelanggengan hubungan.
Hampir semua ahli merekomendasikan setahun sebagai waktu yang sehat untuk pacaran sebelum menikah.
"Saya menyarankan minimal satu tahun agar masing-masing pasangan memiliki pemahaman yang baik dan jelas tentang apa yang mereka cari dari pasangan," kata Stephen J. Betchen, DSW, penulis Magnetic Partners.
John Amodeo, MFT, penulis Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way to Loving Relationships setuju bahwa kencan satu hingga dua tahun adalah yang paling aman.
Meski demikian, para ahli juga setuju bahwa keberhasilan pernikahan lebih berkaitan dengan kesiapan diri daripada lamanya waktu pacaran.
Amodeo juga mengakui bahwa kesiapan banyak berkaitan dengan situasi unik setiap pasangan.
"Saya pikir tidak ada waktu yang tepat, karena setiap orang dan situasinya sedikit berbeda. Dan tingkat kematangan bervariasi," katanya.
Menurut Madeleine A. Fugère, Ph.D., penulis The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic Relationships , aturan "dua tahun" cukup masuk akal, tetapi "pasangan yang berbeda memiliki keadaan yang sangat berbeda."
Fokus pada kesiapan diri untuk menikah lebih penting daripada menghitung lamanya waktu pacaran sebelum menikah.
Sumber Artikel
Indeed, even with broadcast communications changing the whole way in which businesses convey and with the coming of the Web as well, the telephone still remains the most dependable and the snappiest method of correspondence. The business phone framework ought to be prepared all around ok to deal with a substantial volume of approaching and in addition active calls separated from coordinating and re-coordinating calls fittingly and precisely without bewildering or disengaging the clients. Any Business Phone Service is the life line of its efficiency and additionally its usefulness. The decision of the most proper service supplier would go far in proclaiming fresher customers for the businesses and enlarging their businesses.
Selecting SMALL Business Phone ServiceS FOR BUSINESSES
Small and medium endeavors are throughout the year's inexorably influencing utilization of small Business To phone Service as they are similarly more financially savvy than different services. These services are sufficiently able to care for the correspondence needs of their businesses and they are progressively financially savvy as they could be utilized for businesses of each classification and size that request small Business Phone Service.
With the progression of time, media transmission has changed and unfathomably propelled its services innovatively. The truth is that the services of the small telephone phones have been introduced in many organizations all inclusive. It is far more affordable when contrasted with other telephone services, particularly by those being utilized by real associations. A small Business Phone Service could even now be valuable for small business ventures as a result of its solid and acknowledged capacities and other particular highlights. Understanding the way that choice telephone services would be somewhat costly, small business services keep on going in for and settle down with small business telephone services.
There have been new segments that have been created in the current past in the domain of correspondence and this was what service organizations have been making utilization of in their own particular services. A few providers offer small Business Phone Service that accompanies additional services joined. A small business would vouch for these unbelievably with additional abilities which would later turn out to be extremely valuable advantages for the associations. What's more, it is a result of the phone service coming at financially savvy costs, the services of small business phones have not been hard to get.
Each business needs media transmission lines to convey proficiently and successfully. Throughout the years, business undertakings have been utilizing simple frameworks for broadcast communications. In any case, as far back as media communications have transformed the manner by which businesses work and convey, business has taken monster jump forward as well. Introducing a phone framework would facilitate the work stream as well as builds the efficiency of the organization as such.
Call sending office could be another office that could be considered by organizations when they agree to accept another service supplier. This would be valuable for small business undertakings as the quantity of telephone associations and in addition the expansions would not make issues for them.
Components TO CONSIDER BEFORE GOING IN FOR A SMALL Business Phone Service:
• Whether the organization could manage the cost of the service.
• The present worker quality of the association
• The fitness of the business
• Would it be the service that your business truly needs
It would be better that these inquiries be assessed, broke down and evaluated before any organization would want to go in for a business phone supplier.
As most service suppliers accompany free client service without toll number, service hotlines where they can get round the clock client bolster that would enable them to get their inquiries quickly reviewed.
It just does not make a difference where you are and from where your business works out of. A noting phone gives you the comfort and also the possibility as of leading your business from wherever you are your business takes you. As the service is so modified as to work according to the operational timetables of the business as such, the calls consequently get sent on to the business proprietor's phones despite the fact that they won't not be in their workplaces.
• A Greater AND A Bigger CORPORATE Picture
A novel business telephone interfaces of small business telephone voice-mail that offers' proficient client mind, to pick up the fascination of the potential clients into your businesses which would imply that all the approaching calls that arrive on to your telephone would be addressed and welcomed with most extreme demonstrable skill. These calls could likewise be redone to business hours and post business hours welcome. The guests get the opportunity to tune in to resonant and relieving music while their calls get associated. The phones could likewise be auto customized to an auto chaperon in order to give extra data about the highlights and advantages and services to the guests.
• Practical AND Efficient
Small Business Phone Services could be gotten at to a great degree financially savvy and reasonable costs. As all tasks are controlled by the service suppliers, the service that the customer gets is without establishment, repair and also upkeep charges. All that it would require is a devoted phone line and a Web association with have your business be given different phone line associations inside the workplace arrange which would some way or another bring about gigantic costs for every individual phone association.
A facilitated PBX service gives your business the consideration and the advancement that it so tremendously merits. This could happen if the service suppliers offer a prevalent level client bolster that couldn't just improve your organization's efficiency yet in addition its incomes and customer base.
For businesses to work and capacity proficiently and for the correspondences to stream easily and easily, Small Business Phone Services is the appropriate response as put basically, it would just help increment your benefits and your incomes and customer base in the market considerably more.
Sukanya D is an individual from the group behind 3D Telecom is one of the quickest developing business correspondence organizations in the UK, which offers small Business Phone Service among different services.